The Suzuki Music School Touring Ensemble, Inc. (TSMSTE), a Non-Profit organization, is very proud to announce its FORMAL EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP with the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) which took place on April 30, 2007 at a ‘PARTNERSHIP SIGNING CEREMONY’ with Bryant Woods Elementary School (BWES). Both had been working together since the Fall of 2006 and we presented our first collaborative Showcase Concert that year on December 17th at Vantage House Retirement Community which also resulted in a Concert Photo that appeared on the cover of the COLUMBIA FLIER! TSMSTE/BWES are also proud to announce our NEW FORMAL EDUCATIONAL PARTNER, Clemens Crossing Elementary School (CCES) at the ‘PARTNERSHIP SIGNING CEREMONY’ which took place on February 12, 2008 following a very successful ‘Combined’ Holiday Showcase Concert which took place a couple of months earlier in the Community.